Identify mobile app elements

This section describes the elements of a mobile app and how to find them using Appium.

Mobile app elements

  • Accessibility ID

    Usage Example
    accessibility_id= accessibility_id=Content

    The accessibility ID is an identifier for an user interface element. The value of it shall be used in useMango™ when creating project data or a test variable.

  • XPath

    Usage Example
    xpath= xpath=//android.widget.TextView[@content-desc=“Content”]

    The XPath is an identifier to search in the XML source.

Finding mobile identifiers

The mobile app elements to be used in the useMango™ are called mobile identifiers. They can be found using Appium. Read and follow Appium’s guide to do the following:

  1. Start Inspector Session
  2. Launch the mobile app.
  3. Find the necessary identifiers of the element.