
Finds the given image and performs mouse left click on the center. If the image is repeated more than once on the screen, the input index parameter is used to identify the image. Two additional parameters Vertical & Horizontal percentage are taken, if at all we need to left-click at a specific point in the image.


Name Required Type Description
Image Yes ImageIdentifier Image to click.
Matching Index No Number Number of the matching image to select, with 1 being the first matching image to be chosen. Defaults to ‘1’.
Horizontal Percentage No Number Sets an offset from the top left corner of the target image. This determines the location to which the mouse pointer will be moved horizontally, relative to the target element’s top left corner. Defaults to ‘50’.
Vertical Percentage No Number Sets an offset from the top left corner of the target image. This determines the location to which the mouse pointer will be moved vertically, relative to the target element’s top left corner. Defaults to ‘50’.
Number of clicks No Number Number of times to perform click on the target. Defaults to ‘1’.
Confidence No Number Describes how precisely the image is located on the screen. This is useful if the component can’t find the provided image due to negligible pixel differences. The value must be between 0.1 and 0.99. Defaults to ‘0.93’.
Click Interval No Number Number of seconds to halt between clicks. Defaults to ‘0.25’
Mouse Move Duration No Number Time in seconds to move the mouse to the target. Defaults to ‘0.5’.
Delay No Number Time in seconds to continue looking for the image until it is found. Defaults to ‘10’.


The image search is done on the screen horizontally. The higher the confidence, the better the image search capability.