
Takes an input as table header image to identify the table. We activate the table by clicking on an entry using input vertical and horizontal offsets. Page down key is pressed until the image is found or last record is reached.


Name Required Type Description
Desired Image Yes ImageIdentifier Image to find within the table.
Desired Image Confidence No Number Describes how precisely the desired image is located on the screen. This is useful if the component can’t find the provided image due to negligible pixel differences. The value must be between 0.1 and 0.99. Defaults to ‘0.93’.
Table Header Image Yes ImageIdentifier Table Header image based on which the table is found.
Header Image Confidence No Number Describes how precisely the desired image is located on the screen. This is useful if the component can’t find the provided image due to negligible pixel differences. The value must be between 0.1 and 0.99. Defaults to ‘0.93’.
Horizontal Offset Yes Number Number of pixels horizontally from top left corner of ‘Header Image’ within which the record to start scrolling from exists.
Vertical Offset Yes Number Number of pixels vertically from top left corner of ‘Header Image’ within which the record to start scrolling from exists.
Number of records to scroll No Number Number of records scrolled between each desired image search operation. Defaults to ‘1’.


The image search is done on the screen horizontally. The higher the image confidence, the better the image search capability.