Setting test name and properties

This page describes how to set test name and test properties.

Test name

The test name identifies the test and is shown in the Test Designer page header.

Edit test name

  1. Click the edit icon present next to the test name.
  2. Enter a descriptive name and
  3. Press ENTER or TAB key to save the test name.


The test status identifies the status of the test and is present in the Properties panel.

Change test status

  1. Click on the drop-down list associated with the Status label.
  2. Select a status value.

Assigned To

This function identifies the user to whom the test is assigned is displayed in the Properties panel.

Change assignee

  1. Click on the drop-down list associated with the Assigned To label.
  2. Select a user.


Tags are a kind of metadata that help to describe the test and allows it to be found again by searching or by using filters in the Test Library.

Add tag

  1. To add a new tag, click on ‘Add tag’ in the Test Designer, enter the tag name and press ENTER key to save the tag.
  2. To associate an existing tag, click on the ‘Add tag’ and select a tag from the drop-down list to associate it with the test.

Delete tag

Click on the cross mark (x) icon associated with the tag name to delete the tag.


This function provides a detailed description of the test and is displayed in the Parameters panel.

Edit test description

  1. Click on the description text block.
  2. Enter text to provide a new test description.