Testing With useMango™

Building and running useMango™ tests typically involves the following activities:

  • Creating test components

    All useMango™ tests are built from components. Creating and managing a library of test components suitable to the application under test is a core activity in the test creation and maintenance phases of a test project. useMango™ provides features to help construct the components required and to ensure that they continue to be valid through the life of the application being tested.

  • Building and validating tests

    useMango™ tests are built to run each business process that needs to be tested. Create tests by selecting components to form a sequence of steps that, when executed, will carry out the actions and verifications needed to implement the test.

  • Selecting and executing test sets

    Once ready for use, useMango™ tests are available for execution from the useMango™ application or Jenkins.

    Refer the following to get more information for executing tests:

    During execution, the results are recorded in a test run log. When the test has finished, the recorded log is used to generate report, which can be viewed from the application website.

  • Maintaining components and tests

    As the application under test is developed and changed, the tests may also need to change to match. Test maintenance tests may include the following activities:

    • Amending the test data variables in a test.
    • Changing the sequence of steps in a test.
    • Re-scanning an application page that has changed.
    • Adding new tests and making other tests obsolete.