Release February 2024

Version 5.4.353

New in this update


Scanned/Scripted/Composite components can now be deleted when tests that use them are in the Recycle Bin.


Capability to execute tests with different environments from Jenkins plug-in for V1

Extending on the capability to execute tests with different environments, we’ve enhanced the Jenkins plug-in for V1 execution engine to enable the execution of tests with different environments. Previously, tests were executed using the default environment from the plug-in. Now, users have the flexibility to specify the environment in which they want the tests to run.

For setting up the Jenkins plug-in for V1, refer to the documentation on Installing the useMango Runner.

To learn more about running tests with different environments using the plug-in, visit Execute Test in Jenkins plug-in for V1.

Bug fixes in this update


Issue: Cross-Domain Misconfiguration Vulnerability in Test Service Endpoint.

Fix: Now we only process request from the whitelisted origins.


Issue: No data validation for test creation api in Test service.

Fix: This vulnerability was detected on an endpoint that was deprecated and was removed from the service.


Issue: SQL Injection Vulnerability in Report Service.

Fix: Implemented essential modifications to secure the report service against SQL Injection vulnerabilities.


Issue: Docs website serving though port 80 (HTTP).

Fix: Documentation website is now served through https. Any http requests are redirected to https.


Issue: User Email Updating twice when updating user data in Test Service.

Fix: Check is added if the email already exists. This also resolves the case where the user pool and the database remained in an inconsistent state.


Issue: Update MongoDB Driver in test service.

Fix: The current MongoDB Driver in the Test Service was upgraded.


Issue: Update MongoDB Driver in admin service.

Fix: The current MongoDB Driver in the Admin Service was upgraded.


Issue: Updated value is not shown in realtime for the composite component parameter of type mobile & web identifier.

Fix: Updated values is now properly being displayed in realtime.


Issue: useMango hangs when the step is cancelled.

Fix: Added a check for environment availability before execution of steps.


Issue: Long error message is displayed in useMango when browser is not found by the Launch Web Browser component.

Fix: An appropriate error message is displayed when the Launch Web Browser component cannot find the browser

UMDEV-4146, UMDEV-4549, UMDEV-4381, UMDEV-5864, UMDEV-6030, UMDEV-4335, UMDEV-4546, UMDEV-5678, UMDEV-4412, UMDEV-4407, UMDEV-4543, UMDEV-4545

Architectural security improvements

UMDEV-6279 (UM-370)

Issue: Mobile component SwipeToElement fails to scroll to the element despite correct XPath, causing the step to fail.

Fix: Mobile component SwipeToElement now functions as expected.

UMDEV-6499 (UM-373)

Issue: Unable to find screenshot attachment for any failed step or a step using “CaptureScreen” Standard Component.

Fix: Screenshots are available for any failed step or a step using “CaptureScreen” Standard Component.

UMDEV-6520 (UM-374)

Issue: WAF blocks updating useMango variable data with localhost URL or URL with file path as query parameters.

Fix: WAF allows updating useMango variable data with localhost URL or URL with file path as query parameters.

UMDEV-2912 (UM-365)

Issue: useMango frequently hangs when run with multidataset and doesn’t cancel upon cancellation.

Fix: useMango no longer hangs while executing multidatasets and responds appropriately to cancellation commands.


Issue: The renaming of test name in useMango does not function as expected.

Fix: Updated case-sensitive test name now displays accurately after renaming.


Issue: useMango allows multiple parameters having the same name for the scripted component.

Fix: Duplicate parameter names are no longer permitted in Scripted components, and parameter names shall now be case sensitive.


Issue: useMango doesn’t allow renaming project data variables and environment data variables back to its previous name.

Fix: Users can rename project data variables and environment data variables back to their previous names in useMango.