
The user provides an image and the coordinate of the image to start from. A new image is then projected from the starting coordinate in the vertical direction using the vertical percentage of the screen height and in the horizontal direction using the horizontal percentage of the screen width, from which the text is extracted.


Name Required Type Description
Image Yes ImageIdentifier Image based on which relative text is retrieved.
Confidence No Number Describes how precisely the image is located on the screen. This is useful if the component can’t find the provided image due to negligible pixel differences. The value must be between 0.1 and 0.99. Defaults to ‘0.93’.
Starting Coordinate Yes Text Image coordinate which is used as the starting point to project the area of relative text. Allowed values are ‘topleft’, ‘topright’, ‘bottomleft’, ‘bottomright’.
Horizontal Direction Yes Text Horizontal Direction in which the area of relative text is projected. Allowed values are ‘left’, ‘right’.
Vertical Direction Yes Text Vertical Direction in which the area of relative text is projected. Allowed values are ‘up’, ‘down’.
Horizontal Percentage Yes Number Percentage of screen width to capture with respect to the entire screen width. The capture will start from the point as specified in the ‘Starting Coordinate’.
Vertical Percentage Yes Number Percentage of screen height to capture with respect to the entire screen height. The capture will start from the point as specified in the ‘Starting Coordinate’.
Output text Yes Text Output parameter. Text retrieved from the relative area.


The image search is done on the screen horizontally. The higher the confidence, the better the image search capability.